Reach Out and Start the Conversation on Twitter
Kompass Media provide you with the tools and insights on how to successfully profile your personal and business profile on Twitter. We teach you how to create a dynamic Twitter profile, how to tweet for success, develop Twitter lists for quick search and organisation support.
The benefits of Twitter for business are -
- communicating with your followers
- generating leads
- showing your brand's personality
- research and instant information
- seeking feedback and providing instant customer service
This Twitter course is a comprehensive training designed for businesses who want marketing results using Twitter.
The Twitter Marketing Course covers the basics, building a Twitter business presence to advanced marketing techniques.
On completion of this course, attendees will have gained an understanding of Twitter for Business and how to engage with your followers and build solid relationships.
Follow Up & Support
Participants on this programme will benefit from phone or online support for two weeks on completion of the course. If you have any problems completing tasks we are there to support you.
Topics Covered in our Twitter Training
- What is Twitter
- Twitter Definitions and Benefits
- How to set up your profile correctly
- Twitter Language
- Twitter Visibility
- How to Tweet with success
- Twitter for Customer Service
- Direct Messaging
- Twitter Lists and Benefits
- Twitter Trends
- How to Market on Twitter
- How to Grow Your Followers
- How to Advertise on Twitter
- Twitter Tools
- Integrate Twitter with Social Media Networks
- Twitter Case Studies

Contact Alan for details on Twitter and Social Media training.
Call: +353 86 845 9960
Email: alan@kompassmedia.ie